Our Strategic Aims

These are the strategic aims that define the work of the Faculty.


1. Continue to improve care for our patients and their relatives

Focusing on what matters to them.

Our patients and their relatives are at the core of everything we do. We will:

  • Protect our patients by setting standards and developing guidelines in critical care practice
  • Drive quality improvement in critical care services
  • Develop Enhanced Care services and pathways
  • Drive the development of Rehabilitation standards and services
  • Drive the reduction of health inequalities in intensive care service delivery


2. Support and develop the intensive care workforce

Championing the diversity and value of the multi-professional team.

The most precious resource we have in intensive care is our workforce. We will:

  • Recruit high quality doctors as the next generation of intensivists
  • Deliver world-class examinations and curricula supported by our regional networks
  • Deliver world-class events and educational content
  • Support the physical and mental wellbeing of our members throughout their careers
  • Support multidisciplinary team members ACCPs and Critical Care Pharmacists
  • Promote diversity and accessibility in the intensive care workforce
  • Provide guidance for appraisal and revalidation


3. Leading Intensive care

Championing the specialty and influencing healthcare policy.

We are the statutory body for intensive care across all four nations of the UK. We will:

  • Engage with national policy makers and media on behalf of our members and specialty
  • Develop strategic partnerships with other national bodies and institutions (e.g. AoMRC, other faculties/colleges, societies, HEIs)
  • Work to increase public understanding of intensive care
  • Make the case for growing the intensive care workforce within the broader context of UK healthcare
  • Form global partnerships with key stakeholders to develop ICM internationally


4. Securing the future 

We are recognised as an influential medical leader and must make best use of our resources to achieve our strategic vision and invest in the future of our specialty. We will:

  • Value those members who are actively engaged in our activities: our work would be impossible without them
  • Support our staff: their hard work and dedication is key to us meeting our members’ needs
  • Work toward a financially sustainable future UK College of Intensive Care Medicine
  • Engage with external funders to support our work
  • Engage with external media to promote and advocate for our specialty
  • Harness information technology to increase engagement with our members and meet their needs most effectively

Want to know more about our history?

Read more from our Founding Dean.