#BetterTogether: The Critical Care Team

Published 14/04/2020
Sarah Clarke
Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist

Sarah is a consultant Anaesthetist and Intensivist and sits on the FICMTAQ, CESR Equivalence Committee, and is an FFICM examiner. To address the work/life balance she is a wife, mother to 3, netball & rugby fan, enjoys cycling, running and the outdoors in general.

One of the difficult jobs during this pandemic is not only our dedication and commitment to best care of our patients, but the supervision and support of those less familiar to the Critical Care environment. This may be our own trainees, but also others for whom the decision to come to our ‘space’ hasn’t necessarily been their own; and includes other specialty trainees, senior medical staff, nursing colleagues and allied health professionals.

In creating the #BetterTogether document, we’re hoping to provide a ‘signposting’ framework for individuals and Units, to support the wider multi-disciplinary team as they come together to support the Critical Care Team in these extraordinary times. There are many resources available and the dissemination of information has never been so dynamic as is currently. #BetterTogether hopes to emphasise the existing skills and abilities of the MDT and their transferability and applicability into the COVID and non-COVID Critical Care environment. 

Importantly we have split skills into clinical & non-clinical. and working with the Royal College of Surgeons (who have endorsed the document with their logo) we have integrated structure and processes familiar to many. This, we hope, will engage as many as possible.

So please share with your workforce and use it to encourage our non-Intensive care colleagues to join the team!

You can access the #BetterTogether document here.