FFICM Examination Queries
For further information, please see the Examinations page.
The dates of each sitting of the FFICM are advertised on the Examinations Calendar.
The FFICM exam is open to: UK trainees appointed to the ICM CCT programme, either the Joint CCT or standalone CCT (note: the FFCIM exam is voluntary for Joint trainees as it is not part of their curriculum, but is mandatory for all standalone/Dual ICM CCT trainees appointed for August 2012 onwards). The exam is also open to registered Affiliate Trainees of the Faculty who have completed training commensurate with either Stage 1 ICM (if they entered Higher Specialist Training after August 2012) or Intermediate level ICM (if they entered Higher Specialist Training before August 2012) and thus achieved Affiliate Fellowship. The exam is also open to SAS grade doctors who are registered Members of the Faculty (MFICM) and who have the written support of their ICM Regional Advisor. All entrants for the FFICM examination must be eligible for full registration with the GMC. More detailed information can be found in the FFICM Examination Regulations.
ICM CCT trainees should pass the FFICM exam as part of their Stage 2 training. The FFICM exam can be sat at any point in Stage 2 training, but must be passed before the trainee can progress to Stage 3.
No. There is no examination component built into the Joint CCT curriculum. However, Joint CCT trainees are eligible to sit the FFICM examination on a voluntary basis.
The FFICM is not currently open to overseas doctors.
Yes, as long as you re-enter training within 10 years of completing the examination and complete all the other requirements for the CCT 'in-programme'.
Yes, as long as you re-enter training within 10 years of completing the examination and complete all the other requirements for the CCT 'in-programme'.
Yes, SAS grade doctors are eligible to sit the FFICM Final provided they are registered Members of the Faculty (MFICM), are currently practising in ICM, have the written support of their ICM Regional Advisor to sit the FFICM and have previously completed one of the designated ICM core programmes along with its requisite Primary examination(there is currently no independent FFICM Primary). An SAS Grade doctor who passed the Final FFICM and subsequently sought a CCT in ICM would need to enter ICM training within 10 years of passing the examination.