The Faculty Team
The Faculties Department are responsible for the general management of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine as well as the Faculty of Pain Medicine. The members of the team are listed below along with their individual areas of work and contact details.
For general ICM related enquiries please contact us on 020 7092 1540 or email

James became the Associate Director of Faculties in June 2020. He has a dual role, with 60% of his time dedicated to the FICM and 40% to overseeing the Faculty of Pain Medicine. James was the Head of Research at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, managing various programmes including the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC), the Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP), the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA), the National Audit Projects (NAPs), the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) and its Health Services Research Centre (HSRC). Prior to this James worked for the Faculties team in a managerial capacity and was a member of the department when FICM was founded in 2010.
Areas of work:
Executive / Board and their related work
Strategy and policy

Anna has worked for the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and the Faculty of Pain Medicine since 2011 after previously working within Fitness to Practise for the General Osteopathic Council. Anna works Mondays to Thursdays.
Areas of work:
- FICM Board and its related work
Management of Education and Events
Management of member engagement

Emmy joined the department in 2017 after previously working for Health Education England.
Areas of work:
- Management of Professional Affairs and Safety Committee and its related work

Natalie joined the department in June 2018 from the RCoA, where she has worked since 2012, undertaking a variety of roles in the Clinical Quality and Research Directorate.
Areas of work:
Management of ICM training and education (assessments, curriculum, paediatric ICM, e-Portfolio)
Management of ICM Careers, Recruitment and Workforce

Rohini previously worked for the Faculty as its Training Administrator then went to work for the RCoA in their Global Partnerships Team. She has now returned to us and is responsible for the following work areas:
- All aspects of ICM Training
- FFICM Examinations
- ICM RAs and FTs

Susan joined the department in 2014 after previously working for a training simulation company in Bedford. Susan works Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Areas of work:
Careers, Recruitment & Workforce Committee and its related work (national recruitment, workforce census and engagements, careers)
Quality of training
Advanced Critical Care Practitioners
Pharmacist Sub-Committee

Dawn joined the department in 2013 as the administrator for the Faculty of Pain Medicine after previously working for the JRCPTB. She began her current role within the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine in 2015. Dawn works Tuesdays to Fridays.
Areas of work:
Professional Affairs and Safety Committee and its related work (publications, guidelines, professional standards, safety, audit)
Smaller and Specialist Units

Susan recently joined the Faculty in November 2023 as Training Administrator. She has previously worked for the RCPsych and the British Association of Dermatologists. Susan works Monday to Friday.
Areas of work:
- All aspects of ICM Training
- ICM RAs and FTs
- FICM LLP via TopDesk

Beenal joined the Faculty in 2021 as the Standards Coordinator and has been in her current role since September 2022.
Areas of work:
- Women in Intensive Care Medicine (WICM)
- Communications (Critical Eye/Trainee Eye, website, Twitter)
- Education Sub-Committee (FICMLearning & e-ICM)
- Events
- Membership enquiries

Claudia joined the Faculty in 2023 and has previously worked in cultural events management. Her working days are Tuesday & Wednesday, and Thursday morning.
Areas of work:
- Events
- Communications
- Membership
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