Completion of Training (CCT)

The Faculty monitors the progress of all Intensivists in Training on the programme. The purpose of doing this is to ensure that they receive a balanced programme and that on completion of the GMC approved programme, a recommendation for the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) can be submitted to the GMC.

If you are eligible to apply for entry to the Specialist Register with a CCT, your respective Royal College (for doctors on the Dual/Triple ICM CCTs)/Faculty (for doctors on the Single ICM CCT) will notify the General Medical Council (GMC) of your completion of training date during your final year of training.

Please note that the award of a CCT and inclusion on the Specialist Register are NOT automatic procedures. You are required to apply for your CCT. 

It is a legal requirement for you to be on the Specialist Register before taking up a substantive or honorary NHS consultant post.

Click here for guidance on the Combined Programme route to CCT.

Step 1: Final assessment and ARCP

Towards the end of the CCT training programme, Intensivists in Training will undergo a final summative assessment and, if successful, will be issued with an ICM ARCP Recommendation for Completion of Training (Outcome 6) by their assessment panel. The ARCP recommendation will be logged in the ICM e-portfolio (FICM LLP) by the assessment panel or deanery administrator. Although there may be slight variations between regions, the assessment panel should be convened about three months before a trainee's provisional date for completion of training.


Step 2: Final local sign-off

Once Intensivists in Training have achieved an Outcome 6 for their final ICM ARCP in Stage 3 of the ICM Curriculum, they can then send their Stage 3 Certificate to their ICM Regional Advisor to complete in the FICM LLP.


Step 3: Notify the Faculty

Intensivists in Training who are within four months of their CCT date should complete FICM's Notification of Completion of Training Form below.

Notification of Completion of Training Form

This form should ONLY be completed by Intensivists in Training on the UK ICM CCT Programme who are within four months of their CCT date. 


  • If you are not within 4 months of your CCT date you should not complete this form. If you submit it any earlier it will not be processed and you will be asked to resubmit when you are eligible to do so.
  • The CCT date on your ICM Stage 3 Certificate and ICM ARCP Outcome 6 Form must match (i.e. state the same date). If they differ it will result in a delay to us processing your CCT, as you will be asked to redo/resubmit the forms until they state the same date.
  • For doctors on the Dual/Triple ICM CCT Programmes, the CCT date on your ICM Stage 3 Certificate, CCT date for your partner specialty and on all your respective ARCP Outcome 6 Forms must be the same. If they differ it will result in a delay to us processing your CCT, as you will be asked to redo/resubmit the forms until they state the same date.
  • You do not have the ability to save the form and complete it later. If you navigate away from this page your data will be lost. Please ensure you complete and submit the form in one session.

Personal Details:

Required Documentation

Please confirm which of the following documents have already been signed off for your CCT:

Post CCT intentions

Data Protection Statement

The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is part of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The linked Data Protection Policy applies to all personal data handled by the College, including its Faculties. The FICM relies on legitimate interests as the lawful basis for processing of personal data. We process and maintain personal data about you so that we can manage your membership, provide you with appropriate products and services and share information with you about FICM activities.

We will only use your information for the purposes as described and will not pass on your details to other third parties unless you have given us consent to do so.

The information provided on this form will be processed and shared with those involved in the delivery of your training, namely Regional Advisors, Faculty Tutors, Postgraduate Deans, relevant deanery staff and the GMC. Sharing of the data in this way is necessary for you to progress through the ICM CCT Training Programme.

We use appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure that your data are secure and protected from loss, misuse and unauthorised access or alteration.

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. If you have any questions about data protection or require further information, please email

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Step 4: Faculty recommendation to GMC

For doctors on the Single ICM CCT Programme

Once the Notification Form, Stage 3 Certificate and the ARCP Outcome 6 have been received, the Faculty will sign off the doctor's ICM training and will formally make a recommendation to the GMC for the award of a CCT in Intensive Care Medicine. The doctor will also receive an email from the Faculty advising them of this.

For doctors on the Dual/Triple ICM CCTs Programmes

Once the Notification Form, Stage 3 Certificate and the ICM ARCP Outcome 6 have been received, the Faculty will sign off the doctor's ICM training and inform the respective Royal College who will then formally make a recommendation to the GMC for the award of the CCTs. The doctor will also receive a letter from the respective Royal College’s Training Department, advising them of this.


Step 5: GMC Online

At this point, doctors will receive an email from the GMC inviting them to complete the GMC online application for certification. Certification applications are completed on a secure web portal, GMC Online, which has made it easier to enter information and pay the relevant fees.


Step 6: Addition to the Specialist Register

Once the Faculty/respective Royal College has made the recommendation to the GMC, there is no further involvement by the Faculty/respective Royal College in the process and it becomes a doctor/GMC relationship. The GMC add the doctor’s name onto the Specialist Register; the doctor must have indicated that they would like to go on the Specialist Register on their certification application. Failure to do this will delay your specialist registration and your ability to take up a consultant post.

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