Join us! FICM National Teaching Champion - Consultant Lead

Published 18/07/2024

Applications are open for the role of Lead (consultant) National Teaching Champion. Please see the role details as well as application process below. 

Aim and Purpose

The aim of this new role is to broaden the access to education for Intensivists in Training by collating and disseminating high quality teaching programmes in Intensive Care Medicine from across all regions and to create opportunities to share good practice, as well as support and guide local trainers in developing their own programmes

This role will work with regions to coordinate access to existing teaching, with the aim for material to be recorded and then either hosted centrally or signposted via the FICM website.

The consultant lead will sit on the FICM Education Sub-Committee, who will support the development and delivery of this role.

The FICM National Teaching Champion will

  • Undertake scoping to see what training is already in existence and in what regions.
  • Liaise with RAs and trainers across all regions.
  • Liaise with those already facilitating/providing education to coordinate the sharing of these sessions via the FICMLearning webpages.
  • Ensure an even spread of accessible teaching events/resources amongst regions
  • Map training and education to curriculum needs and highlight any gaps.


Term of office

The term of office for ESC members is three years. Second terms are at the discretion of the ESC Chair and Faculty Board. 


Application Process

To apply, please submit a short CV and complete the application form appended below. These will be shared with the appointment panel who will review applications and reach a consensus on those appointed. Please send to by Friday 30 August 2024.