National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIA) 2023

Published 03/03/2023

The National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIA) for consultants in England and Wales are designed to recognise clinicians who lead the way in the provision and improvement of patient care, demonstrating national impact by going above and beyond their roles. Details and information can be found on the DHSC website.


Important changes to the NCIA scheme in 2023

The Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) has made several changes to their round due to start in March 2023.

Previously applicants had the option to secure a citation and ranking from the FICM or other professional organisations in support of their application. ACCIA will no longer require these in their assessments for the 2023 round, so applicants are no longer expected to obtain a ranking and citation from a Royal College, Faculty or other member organisation (previously known as national nominating organisations (NNOs)) as part of their submission.

ACCIA has provided a statement here.

Contact and Support

Please do contact directly should you have any further questions or queries. The Faculty will also support applications by putting you in touch with previous award reviewers who can provide advice and further guidance if required. 

Please note, NCIA applicants are no longer expected to provide citations from the FICM to support their application. The FICM is also not permitted to review or edit submissions.


Useful resources