Case of the Month #23 - obstetrics & SARS-CoV-2

Published 01/02/2022

What other major resources are there to provide up-to-date guidance on this topic?

Current UK Guidance

Early guidance suggested that if infection was confirmed, timing of delivery should be guided by gestation, maternal and foetal conditions and comorbidity. Induction of labour with eventual instrumental delivery to avoid maternal exhaustion was favoured. Prompt caesarean delivery is favoured if there are signs of acute organ failure or foetal distress (15). These women need to be managed by a senior multidisciplinary team, including obstetricians, critical care physicians, and obstetric anaesthetists.

The WHO currently advise that it is still unknown as to whether vertical transmission exists (16). To date, no active virus has been detected in amniotic fluid or breastmilk. Many possible cases have been reported in the setting of third-trimester maternal infection within 14 days of delivery, with likely multifactorial cause. Mothers with symptoms or diagnosed COVID-19 are advised that they can still breastfeed and maintain normal contact with their baby while maintaining good hand hygiene and wearing a surgical mask during periods of contact.