1.1 For the purpose of these regulations a trainee is someone who has received ‘approved training’ in the UK.
1.2 For the purpose of these regulations ‘approved training’ means training
1.2.1 which is part of a UK GMC approved programme of training in Intensive Care Medicine (either as part of a Single, Joint or Dual programme).
1.2.2 which has been approved by the respective Royal College or Faculty.
1.2.3 which is appropriate to the part of the examination for which the candidate is applying.
1.3 The words and phrases in the left-hand column below shall have the meanings assigned to them in the right-hand column:
Has the meaning assigned to it in Regulation 13.1 of these Regulations.
The Board of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists.
The Training and Examinations Director of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
The Court of Examiners for the part of the examination to which a representation or appeal relates, or the Chair of that Court or any member of that Court designated by the Chair.
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
An appeal panel set up in accordance with Regulation 13.2.
Has the meaning assigned to it in Regulation 11.2 of these Regulations.
Has the meaning attached to it in Regulation 12.2 of these Regulations.
Review Clerk
A member of the Faculty staff with responsibility for administering examination appeals.