ICCQIP Quarterly Reports

ICU-BSI reports are produced on a quarterly basis. Reports are produced at an aggregate level and available to view to all, alongside unit level reports that are sent to the representing unit/trust only, to allow benchmarking of their data to National results (generated from all participating units in England).

The reports consist of counts and rates of ICU BSI infections, broken down further by CVC-associated BSI’s and CVC-related BSI’s. Details on organisms, CVC utilisation rates, blood culturing rates amongst others are also provided.

All aggregate level reports by unit type are available below for viewing.

Quarter 32: January - March 2024

Quarter 31: October - December 2023

Quarter 29 April - July 2023

Quarter 28 January - March 2023

Quarter 27 Reports October - December 2022

Quarter 26 Reports July - Sept 2022

Quarter 23 October - December 2021

Quarter 22 January 2020-September 2021

Quarter 19-21 Reports (reports combined) August 2021

Quarter 18 March 2021

Quarter 16 & 17 Reports (reports were combined) August 2020

Quarter 15 Reports February 2020

Quarter 13 & 14 Reports (reports were combined) Sept 2019 and November 2019

Quarter 11 & 12 Reports (reports combined) March 2019

Quarter 10 Reports September 2018

Quarter 8 & 9 Reports (reports were combined) June 2018

Quarter 7 Reports January 2018

Quarter 6 Reports October 2017

Quarter 5 Reports July 2017

Quarter 4 Reports April 2017

Quarter 3 Reports January 2017

Quarter 2 Reports October 2016

Quarter 1 Reports July 2016

For more information or to register to take part, please contact the ICCQIP team.