Critical Condition

Building a sustainable future for the sickest patients in the hospital

Critical Condition: Building a Sustainable Future for the Sickest Patients in the Hospital was produced in April 2018 and distributed to all major healthcare organisations in the country as well as Members of Parliament and other key political stakeholders. 

Critical Condition presents a brief summary of the difficult situation current facing critical care, demonstrates how critical care is integral to the running of services throughout an acute hospital, and introduces the recommendations of Critical Futures

Why produce this resource?

What became clear, through both the first wave survey of Critical Futures and the wider workforce strategy of the Faculty, is that critical care has dropped off the radar since the early 2000s. The Faculty, since its inception in 2010, has taken forward key projects across workforce, recruitment growth and national stakeholder engagement to set up and drive the new specialty.

Critical Futures presents the community with an opportunity to undertake wider engagement and demonstrate that reasonable investment, attention to making sustainable careers and proactive service configuration can present positive solutions to the needs of the sickest patients in the hospital. 

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  • your Health Board or Trust Chief Executive?

  • your local Clinical Commissioning Group, Sustainability & Transformation Partnership or devolved national government?

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